The staff at Hillcrest High School believes that all students have the ability to learn at a high level. Hillcrest High School is dedicated to providing students and individualized and personal learning experience that will allow the student to achieve success in the classroom and beyond. Hillcrest High School uses Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) and Response to Intervention (RTI) to provide students. Hillcrest High School is able to achieve individual student’s success by providing high-quality instruction from the teachers, in-depth collaboration with special services and administration, and actively engaging the students and family with feedback and open communication.
Response to Invention (RTI)
*RTI is made available to students as part of IDEA 2004.
*At any point during the RTI process, a parent can request a formal evaluation for Special Services
The RTI Action Network describe RTI as a multi-tier approach to the early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs.
-RTI has 3 tiers
1.) High-Quality Classroom Instruction, Screening, and Group Interventions
-All students receive high quality, scientifically based instruction provided in the classroom.
2.) Targeted Interventions
-Students not making adequate academic process in Tier 1 (Regular Academic Classroom) are provided increased instruction to improve their level of performance and rate of progress.
3.) Intensive Interventions and Comprehensive Evaluation
-Students receive intensive, individualized interventions that target the students specific learning needs.
Multi-Tier System of Support
*Encompasses RTI, but is more comprehensive by providing Positive Behavior Supports (PBIS) for the individual students as well as providing professional development for educators.
1.) Begins with RTI
2.) Includes Behavior Intervention Plans and Positive Behavior Supports
3.) Includes Professional Development for educators
MTSS and RTI Resources Link
IDEA Parent Guide
What is Response to Intervention (RTI)?
What is Multi-tier System of Support
What is Multi-tier instruction?